Welcome to GenAISafety, the leader in AI-powered workplace safety.
AI-Powered Construction Safety Solutions by GenAISafety
Transforming Construction Safety with AI-Driven Solutions
Enhance safety, productivity, and compliance on your construction site with the cutting-edge AI tools from GenAISafety
Each year, 2,200 workers suffer workplace injuries, leading to 70% of construction projects being delayed beyond their original schedule
Safety & Productivity Hazards in the Construction Industry
In the construction industry, safety and productivity are closely linked. Addressing common safety hazards not only protects workers but also helps maintain high levels of productivity by minimizing delays and costly accidents.
Falls from Heights / Chutes de hauteur
Français : Au Canada, les chutes représentent environ 18 % des décès liés au travail dans la construction. Au Québec, 26 % des accidents mortels dans la construction sont dus à des chutes de hauteur.
English : In Canada, falls account for approximately 18% of work-related fatalities in the construction industry. In Quebec, 26% of fatal construction accidents are due to falls from heights.
Electrocutions / Électrocutions
"Français : Les électrocutions représentent environ 8 % des décès dans la construction au Canada. Au Québec, 6 % des accidents mortels dans la construction sont dus à des électrocutions.
English : Electrocutions account for approximately 8% of construction-related fatalities in Canada. In Quebec, 6% of fatal construction accidents are due to electrocution."
Noise Exposure / Exposition au bruit
Français : Environ 42 % des travailleurs de la construction au Canada sont exposés à des niveaux de bruit dangereux. Au Québec, 24 % des travailleurs de la construction souffrent de problèmes auditifs liés au bruit.
English : Approximately 42% of construction workers in Canada are exposed to dangerous noise levels. In Quebec, 24% of construction workers suffer from hearing problems related to noise exposure.
Struck-by Accidents / Accidents par heurt
Français : Environ 5 % des décès dans la construction au Canada sont dus à des coincements. Au Québec, 7 % des accidents mortels dans la construction impliquent un travailleur coincé ou écrasé.
English : Approximately 5% of construction-related fatalities in Canada are due to being caught in or between objects. In Quebec, 7% of fatal construction accidents involve a worker being caught or crushed.
Trench Collapses / Effondrements de tranchées
Français : Les effondrements causent environ 3 % des décès dans la construction au Canada. Au Québec, 4 % des accidents mortels dans la construction impliquent des effondrements de structures.
English : Collapses cause approximately 3% of construction-related fatalities in Canada. In Quebec, 4% of fatal construction accidents involve structural collapses.
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) / Troubles musculosquelettiques (TMS)
Français : Les troubles musculosquelettiques représentent environ 40 % des lésions avec perte de temps dans la construction au Canada. Au Québec, 30 % des lésions professionnelles dans la construction sont des troubles musculosquelettiques.
English : Musculoskeletal disorders account for approximately 40% of time-loss injuries in the construction industry in Canada. In Quebec, 30% of occupational injuries in construction are musculoskeletal disorders.
Caught-in/Between Accidents / Accidents par coincement
Français : Être frappé par un objet cause environ 19 % des décès dans la construction au Canada. Au Québec, 22 % des accidents mortels dans la construction impliquent un travailleur heurté par un objet.
English : Being struck by an object causes approximately 19% of construction-related fatalities in Canada. In Quebec, 22% of fatal construction accidents involve a worker being struck by an object.
Exposure to Hazardous Materials / Exposition à des matières dangereuses
Français : Les électrocutions représentent environ 8 % des décès dans la construction au Canada. Au Québec, 6 % des accidents mortels dans la construction sont dus à des électrocutions.
English : Electrocutions account for approximately 8% of construction-related fatalities in Canada. In Quebec, 6% of fatal construction accidents are due to electrocution.
Technologies GenAI Safety appliquée à la santé sécurité dans la construction
Video Surveillance Systems (VSS) with Image Analysis
Systèmes de surveillance vidéo (VSS) avec analyse d'images
Safety Sentiment Analysis Tool
Risky Behavior Identification
Identification des comportements à risque
AI-Driven Behavioral Analysis for Safety
Drones Equipped with Cameras and AI
Drones équipés de caméras et d'IA
Construction Hazard Insight AI
IoT Sensors and Predictive Analytics
Capteurs IoT et analyse prédictive
Dynamic Risk Assessment Engine
Automatic PPE Detection
Détection automatique du port d'EPI
AI-Enhanced PPE Compliance Monitoring
Real-Time Equipment Monitoring
Surveillance en temps réel des équipements
Real-Time Equipment Monitoring GPT
Anomaly and Risk Detection
Détection des anomalies et des risques potentiels
AI-Enhanced Incident Investigation and Analysis
GenAISafety Solutions for Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLM) to Improve Safety in the Construction Industry
Claude, the copilot of the Health and Safety Coordinator (CoSS)
Contextual Adaptation through Dynamic Retrieval
This approach involves dynamically retrieving relevant safety information based on the specific conditions and needs of a construction site. By leveraging Claude's capabilities and GenAISafety's RAG technology, the system adapts its recommendations and actions to the real-time context of the worksite. -
Key Features:
Dynamic Data Retrieval: Claude accesses a vast database of safety regulations, best practices, and incident reports to provide context-specific recommendations.
Tailored Risk Management: Based on the current conditions (e.g., high temperatures, complex machinery), Claude retrieves up-to-date protocols to ensure worker safety.
Real-Time Adjustment: The system adjusts safety guidelines and prevention measures continuously as the site evolves, ensuring compliance and minimizing risks throughout the project.
This method ensures that Claude offers proactive and real-time safety solutions uniquely tailored to the specific hazards and regulatory requirements of each construction site.
Incident History-Based Customization Formula:
Claude uses RAG technology to analyze the incident and near-miss history specific to a given worksite. Based on the retrieved data, it adjusts its prevention program and proposes tailored scenarios to prevent the recurrence of these incidents.
If incidents related to defective equipment have occurred, Claude generates a reinforced maintenance plan and suggests more frequent inspections of machinery to mitigate this risk.
Contextualized Training and Awareness:
Thanks to RAG, Claude can retrieve information on the specific training needs of a construction site and generate custom training content based on the types of tasks and risks encountered. This includes personalized awareness modules for workers.
For a site where workers handle hazardous substances, Claude generates specialized training on chemical handling, tailored to the latest safety standards in force.
Copilot Safety Construction: GenAISafety Construction / GenIA SST (Smart Safety Tools)
Copilot Safety Construction: GenAISafety Construction / GenIA SST (Smart Safety Tools)
BIM (Building Information Modeling) appliqué au Code de sécurité pour travaux de construction CSTC)
SuperAI Mario 360 Health Safety Manager agit en tant que Directeur de la Santé et de la Sécurité
Claude et CoSS Révolutionner la santé sécurité sur les chantiers de construction.
Analyse prédictive des risques
Surveillance en temps réel
Planification optimisée de la sécurité
Formation et sensibilisation améliorées